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Writer's pictureDr. Pinky

Weird Energy

You know you feel it right? Its all around weird smothering sensations or like you just know something big is about to happen.

You're not alone , we are all empathing it some more than others , It's just that innate feeling gut like , what is it?

The channeling I have been receiving are telling me its multilayered its many things happening at once . Have you ever walked into a space and felt a dramatic shift in energy?

Perhaps you have not really been able to put your finger on what the changes are, or perhaps you are not even aware that a change occurred, but something definitely feels different from you and you are not quite sure what.

For anyone that has done energy work or is sensitive to energies, it is likely that you have experienced this from time to time.

Everything in this Universe holds an energetic vibration and collectively that vibration makes up the Universe that we experience. These energies are constantly moving through us in state of creation either at a high or low frequency.

Lower frequencies are commonly referred to as negative whereas a higher frequency

are commonly referred to as positive and there is a clear distinction in feeling these two frequency types.

Lower Frequencies feel like….

  • You are surrounded by thick or heavy air

  • There is a pressure or weight around your head or shoulders

  • A prickly sensation on the back of your neck

  • A strong cold or hot temperature change

  • Motion sickness or dizziness

  • You are taking on emotions that are not yours

  • Unexplained anxiety or stress

Lower frequencies are usually created by an emotional pain that is present in the surrounding area. This emotional pain can be from arguments, fears or a certain trauma that may have occurred.

Learn How to Cleanse a Space from Lower Frequencies

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Crowded places such as cities and malls can also have a denser energy due to the volume of people moving in and out all the time.

Higher frequencies feel like…

  • You are surrounded by a calm peace

  • There is a lightness in the air

  • A tingly sensation on the back of your neck

  • A warm, gentle breeze that may have a pleasant smell

  • An uplifting wave of inspiration or creativity

  • You are relaxed and stress-free

  • Unexplained happiness

Higher frequencies are usually created by positively charged emotions such as gratitude, abundance and awareness. They also exist after a healing or transformation has taken place.

Temples, churches and nature usually have a higher frequency as well as sacred sites, gardens and places that have been energetically cleansed.

The more you practice and bring attention to your surroundings without judgement, the easier it will become to discern between a high or low-energy place.

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