Welcome my lovelies ,
Much has happened since we or I have been on here .
Let's review, in 2019 we now see an invisible enemy enter our lives we all have an experience with this we can relate , many lost loved one many are right now still thinking their world is ending, and they are contemplating leaving this world by their hand .
Many lost their personal income many have been in and are going back into a lockdown in their cities and all you hear on the news is lies! TURN OFF THE NEWS FIRST THING.
Many are going actually into drugs alcohol, or they want to shut out this world .
Many have no clue what to do We are all creatures of habit take the daily habit away, and we think we are crumbling we are NOT!
I want to delve deep into the metaphysical the psychology of the observance of what is really happening to us as humanity .
I want to share with you some messages from well 'other light beings' that know who, like me, YOU really are .
First let me explain what you are feeling is Grief.
Yes, a mourning in your being deep inside you have lost something , actually many things.
You have been taking out of your environment of comfort and placed in danger you're innate is NORMAL
giving you signals fear or fight or flight .
What is that you ponder? Here is an example: ever walk into a building lets say a store,
there is a clerk at the register and there is an old man off on an isle you came in for a drink you make your way to the fountain you grab a cup just ,as another person, a woman enters you might notice this makes your hair on your arms stand up or the hair on the back of your neck this, is just a few of your biological response of “Fear Fight or Flight” you may feel sweaty you may feel faint, then you may just have a notion an urgency then move far away from this person you are being basically told ,I have to get away NOW.
This is preprogramming.
Of most humans not all but, the majority on this planet that is intuition this is what I want to really delve into how I want to hopefully attempt to help you reprogram yourselves so you can live not just like what I described but find that you can use this wonderful response in all you do every day,
let's go back to all of us remember the time when someone said DON'T PUT YOUR HAND ON THAT HOT SURFACE can you pull up that exact time in memory?
When you instead we did not hear “DON'T “you then burnt your hand?
When you instead cannot comprehend we did not hear “DON'T “you then burnt your hand?while navigating you're finding a way around as humans on this planet.
We all then learn what a word our brain does not comprehend ever in LIFE
DON'T you must be reprogrammed to learn to stifle this instinct to do something when you hear DON'T DO THAT
That's because ,we also have had so many incarnations, or lifetimes over and over that we
have probably done it already , stay with me here now lets go deeper many people
get a feeling about things or people or situations when they are exposed to something
this is again that personal lens but, it's also your innate your higher self so many words to describe this pick one to help you understand your Spirit, your Guardian Angel ,your granny
God / Goddess or Creator maybe Source your choice .
Just know you're true self already knows something your mind does not .
So , the lens we develop in our lifetimes is sometimes creating blockages.
You were told this by a loving parent or mentor or teacher , or friend or ... lists of people
YOU would never do or look at anything any different because you trust these inputs from these people this is HOW life is .
Well , take it or leave it I believe the Light beings you may call or associate them as Angelic Elohim whatever you think works they have no human form they are on a plane just out of sight of the earth plane in what metaphysical science calls another dimension,Thats not really an accurate description in my experience My hero Nikola Tesla said " all things in the universe are frequency
Or is it?
This is what I want to really get into what is happening to you right now all of us not a coincidence it is a human made event with so so many layers like an onion on so many levels .
First I want you to write down a list of all the things you believe really do this
write on a paper what you believe is real
my life
my family
my ________ and so on
Make this list long short doesn't matter after you have done this I want you to entertain ,
just lets play a game , look at all you wrote and say LIES yep say it out loud now .
Okay, how did that feel really feel? If you like most you'll say THAT'S A LIE SAYING ALL I WROTE DOWN IS NOT!
Oh, my Lovelies here we go down the metaphysical rabbit hole YOU are in CONTROL!
You are creating thoughts and these thoughts become a code a computer code and you are only seeing a small screen with half of the image that is appearing in front of you right now .
YEP,when you have HALF the Picture and Half of real the story.
LOL don't you hate when that happens?

Many living right now are doing exactly that but , it's not your fault again ,you were so hijacked and preprogrammed I'm here to help you deprogram to see the 100% to open up your truth meter you're innate to check all I just am relaying to you with the help pf other beings that are around every one of us all the time let that sink in .
You are receiving at best maybe only 30% of the true 100% of who you are why you're really here right now in this lifetime Yep another truth bomb .
Okay , now why Dr. Pinky you might be asking why am I not seeing the big picture?
Remember that lens we referenced earlier?
That's WHY its on purpose in another layer of this . We all have been veiled from the big picture.
We come into the earth as a human being with an old soul a soul is a tricky word
I will tell you what I have been told by the Light beings I communicate with
They have shown me a Soul is not a single thing, it is not separate from your children or your gran parents you or me have you ever heard of a mirror affect?
Remember, when I gave you the example of the store that feeling of fear or fight or ,flight?
You are an aspect a facet of a great diamond better analogy a shard of light of a greater light they explain this is a whole .
So, the mirror effect is YOU when we meet someone you are looking at an aspect of yourself .
Or as I was told, of the Source, and we are all ONE
Now this is hard for many people due to that pre lens you have .
You might have grown up reading all the holy scriptures and believe because someone else told you its so GOD is an HUMAN man that sits on a throne .
Well , take it or leave it I believe the Light beings you may call or associate them as Angelic Elohim whatever you think works they have no human form they are on a plane just out of sight of the earth plane in what metaphysical science calls another dimension,Thats not really an accurate description in my experience My hero Nikolai Tesla said all things in the universe are energy or frequency with this is a science fact your body is energetic you must feed it to distribute energy daily it is a system of frequency each organ has a different frequency when you disrupt this frequency you know it like again the example of the woman in the store that was a disruption to your frequency some call it spidey senses lol it is our system interrupted all is UN balanced you KNOW it
then you're cells know it they then attempt to adapt but usually fall short then you have people start getting sick your body is out of balance .
Much happens behind the scene medically .
Then your cells know it they then attempt to adapt but usually fall short then you have people start getting sick your body is out of balance .
The Unknown is man's biggest obstacle ever heard I couldn't move I was stuck right where I stood I was paralyzed with fear! Yes, that happens when your body goes on adrenaline over flows in you're body will freeze you cannot move.
Then after the event you will hear I couldn't do a thing as the car came right at me, I just knew I was a goner they believe this as its happening some will experience an astral leap they leave the body because it knows it's about to be hit and dead it the mind cannot compute a reaction it tilts, so they have near death experience you whoosh out of the body and still can observe but you have nobody in 3D but you see you feel you still YOU but just observing the scene you will hear many speak of a light a presence you are a conscience
everything you have experienced is still with you but now ,with this new experience LOL I laugh because , I know we do this over and over it's always a shock to us when its happening but, what personally want you to know is this YOU at that very moment the person will say I WAS like in a HUG of love. I just knew I was loved like nothing I have ever felt . I Didn't WANT TO COME BACK but , just had too I knew I should . Or some being met me and telepathically gave me a choice go back or stay and what did we do LOL usually many come back. I'm one I have experienced this 4 times this lifetime.
Why am I sharing all this?
What if I told you can communicate and feel all this without DYING?
NOW we are in the shall we say the meat and potatoes of this whole experience?
I had to lay this out for you to follow along .
Now if you still with me get yourself a cuppa and sit back down, and we shall now
get to the Crux .

Okay, are you ready? Let's continue lets take a look at how to open you up so you too can experience what many already do.
Let's teach you how to let go of that preprogramming artificial lens we all have .
Disclaimer I am attempting to teach you how to let go of your preprogrammed mind and be free to have just like many in-depth innate reactions to your earth experience not all will be able to do this right away many will have to attempt this more than once many will attempt and walk away that's okay too I want you to know this right up front no one is wrong in how you get to this state , I'm showing you just my way but now , everyone has their own personal journey .
Meditation is the way AND YES, we all do this already but ,are not aware of it mostly
when the last time you daydreamed? When's the last time you had an idea pop in your head that led you to another step and so on till you achieved something maybe you met new people or maybe some place situations all fell into place and it was like magic! You are the creator!
What if I tell you it's not magic it's YOU
You're in contact with your higher self your soul your innate daily but, because of all the noise the worry the distractions you don't probably pay attention to it, you just chalk it up to coincidence.
NOPE, that's all you are creating and then receiving and broadcasting energy or frequency the people or situations that vibrate on that same frequency you draw to you just like a magnet .
Do you understand the enormity of what I just shared with you?
When , we / you consciously focus on something you attract it right to you nothing stops this nothing except you .
See you're the creator you choose where you live what you do who you do it with you have freewill and with this it's supposed to be nothing or no one can interfere with your flow your frequency that you are emitting to the world .

Now you know a secret of the universe
You now know and I suggest you expand by researching more about focused meditations
meditation can be simple to listen to a normal background sound like a fan a heater a dryer
something that zones you out lol or I mean takes your mind away .
When you recognize you to can receive answers about everyday problems and receive solutions when you know that all you are observing is as it should be Why not you created it
When you truly know you will always be you even when you depart this world and you are never ending you have no fear and you barely worry anymore don't want what's happening then get to work and start seeing focusing on something different .
People today are grieving for past then create new better than ever by just focusing on what you want to experience did you know that if 5,000 people focus on world peace the heart math institute has scientific proof that when all those people focus on the same outcome that the earth will shift and people who would have done say riots will just stop they don't have the desire to follow through this happened in the black forest in Germany during World War II a coven of witches Of Gerald Gardner ( father of Wicca coven did exactly that and the troops passed this small town by .
NOW knowing that why in the world would you sit around fret about the world?
YOU can get out there and start maybe by joining world meditation groups even on Zoom we don't have to be together just in mind in frequency?
Again ,YOU don't know what you don't know until you know
YOU can change your life you are in control.
Look around the world you want change we all do don't wait for someone to tell you how to do this I just gave you the key .
If you truly believe this is the end of the world you would be correct it is the end and the beginning of realizing who and what you are and you are a magnificent creator being of light YOU ARE THE MASTER THE CHRIST YOU ARE HERE YOU CHOOSE EXACTLY ALL HAPPENING we all did
we need to really wake up to the new humans we are .

NOW , I know this is a lot to comprehend , I never said it would be easy ,It took you a lifetime or two to get to this point . We all are here right now going through all this to heal this world.
TO wake up and be the light workers we truly are to change something to fight for something to create something much better a world of peace , of unity of constant change but a little easier than before that's happening look around
personal note I have learned more about what I don't want and what I do want in my life now have you?
Of Service In love and Light
Dr. Pinky
