Hi there so its Spring and time to change your diet lets look at why you should eat more fruit.
Fruitarians will differ in what they eat. Some will eat foods that are usually referred to as vegetables, such as bell peppers, tomato and cucumbers, and even nuts and grains (because they come from a plant), while others will not.Eat the fruit slowly and chew well, so that the saliva and stomach acids get a chance to absorb the nutrition properly.When outdoors, at school or work, take along whole fresh fruit (not cut up - that destroys the nutrients) or some dried fruit (make sure it is raw - no preservatives, salt or other added ingredients).Considering that you save on the expenses of cooking fuel, cooking equipment, processed packaged foods and preparation time, a fruit diet works out as cheap as any other, especially in those countries where fruit and vegetables are easily available.Dried fruit is highly calorie-packed, so just a handful or two will make a nutritious and satisfying small meal.Search for free recipes on the internet, or buy books suitable for your preferred type of a fruitarian/raw food lifestyle.Try new and exotic fruits.Keep a stock of fresh fruits in the house. You will need to eat frequently, and this readily available food source will keep you from bingeing on unhealthy foods.
WarningsEat fruits that are in season - avoid exotic artificially-grown fruits.Avoid eating genetically-manipulated organisms and fruits; they can be quite dangerous.Hybrids are less healthy than traditional fruits.Since fruit and vegetables contain a lot of energy, fiber and water, they are usually quite sufficient for a healthy lifestyle. Your doctor may want you to take some nutritional supplements of vitamins/minerals. He may also suggest that a fruit diet is not good enough for the long term. Read as much as you can about the subject.Do not listen to people who have no healthy experiences with fruitarianism.Some people will need to exercise well, to get rid of the withdrawal effects of processed-food habits.As with any traditional diet, always be knowledgeable and clear in your mind; consult your doctor and listen to his/her advice BEFORE you make mistakes. You may also want to discuss this with a fruitarian nutrition specialist.However, be prepared to have your friends/family throw some of the standard and often unproved fears/myths at you.