mach-uh-shay-feh: a witch, a conjurer Kitchen Witch
A Raw Food FruitYTarian, Vegan with a Twist I grew up as a meat eater, and we ate a lot of unhealthy food, so bad that at the age of 12 I was wearing a size 42 jeans!! Today I am a size 10 just to give you an idea. My parents farmed with Beefalo and chickens, and we lived out on a farm where my dad and I used to drink a lot of milk and especially let it stand, so we could drink off the cream. In 2009 my husband and I both started to follow a vegetarian diet but I fell off the wagon back on meat where I got so sick I had to quit and return to veggies and fruit mostley ! That was the turning point for me where we took our health serious and started doing more research. We found the FruitYTarian

diet and plunged right into it! I have not looked back since, but went ethical vegan in January 2011 when my heart also changed. I realized that I loved animals too much to harm them with my lifestyle. On this vegetarian diet I had followed I actually picked up lbs due to MY love for prepackaged gourmet Fat contact Vegan foods and Raw foods I was 389 at my highest weight Im now 180 I was eating I thought Healthy WHAT A MYTH It is probably the worst thing someone could do coming from a meat-based background to go and incorporate substitution meals for meat dishes. All the patties, fake chicken snitchels, make belief prawns and who knows what else the vegan and vegetarian industries can come up with, just made me gain a lot of weight due to the high sugar, salt and oil (fat) content together with all kinds of condiments added. My skin was still oily, and I was still using medication to clear things up. I was actually in a much worse state than before as and ate a lot of chocolate, ice cream, pizza, wraps, junk food in other words.I was a true Dough Arian I lived on just Dough-based foods Pizza and Cinnamon Rolls think of all the yeast . Can anyone say DEATH? That's why was heading at 389 pounds (0.18 ton), so after a year and a half program. I was ready to go and have the gastric bypass on June 15, 2012, at 7 AM. I had my gastric bypass surgery at Flagstaff Arizona medical Center by the Bariatric team ( the best in the nation By the Way ) Dr. Berger was wonderful and helped me take my life back. And from that day forward I have made it my goal to know exactly what I'm putting in my mouth at all times. The only way to do that is to be in control of my preparing my foods me. We rarely go out to restaurants simply because I never know if anything is really gluten-free how it's prepared in the back and , my husband and I have too many food allergies to deal with getting sick just for that convenience and by the time you're done paying for the food and you're going home with probably a doggies bag because they gave you too much in the portions then, I'm sick for the rest of the night. It's just not worth it. My In my journey does not end there. Since the gastric bypass. I've had to learn to eat much smaller portions. I have to get a lot of protein, 60 to 80 g of protein a day in order to do that I have to break up my meals 5 to 6 little meals a day, it can be exhausting at times and yes, it be easy to fall back into the fast food pace or prepackaged foods, but I found that I can just use my ninja or my food processor and whip up the best dips, sauces, salads in half the time it would take for me to prepare something in the microwave cook something on the stove and I am already off running eating and full of energy because I kept it raw. So helpful. Hopefully, my knowledge and my creativity will help you on your journey we can have a lot of fun together. Along the way. So here we go grab your broomsticks and were off lists of